The Best Weighted Blanket for 2020 – Reviews & Buying Guide

Showing both parts of the weighted blanket

Introduction Weighted blankets were first used in the holistic care of children who had difficulties with learning and attention. It was used as part of an approach called sensory integration therapy. Weighted blankets have since found applications in a wide range of conditions including insomnia, depression, restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, and anxiety disorders.  It has …

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Cotton vs Polyester Weighted Blanket – Which Is the Better?

Child sleeping with weighted blanket

Weighted blankets are no longer an unknown or new concept but a popular and widely used therapeutic accessory. The heavy weight of these products triggers the release of “happy hormones” which in turn alleviates stress, insomnia, and many other physiological and emotional disorders. When buying a weighted product such as the blanket, the focus is …

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11 Ways Weighted Blankets Can Help Reduce Stress

Brain activity

The fast pace and complexity of modern life affect each of us at multiple levels. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we all live in a constant state of stress and this has its own implications. As per the American Psychological Association, over 67% of the population is affected by moderate to high degrees of stress—and this …

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Suffering from Back Pain? A Weighted Blanket Can Help

Sleeping on Couch

Back pain can be very limiting. You’d know this is true if you’ve come back from a long day at work, from driving, from a long day on a construction site moving things around and then try to bend down to pick up your child only to be stabbed in the back by that sharp …

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The Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman with hands on her stomach

As a mother, you want the best for your baby, even when it’s still in your womb! This means you want to stay away from over-the-counter medications and other non-prescription drugs that can possibly affect the growing fetus. So how do you deal with the discomfort such as nausea, anxiety, and sleeplessness during this phase? …

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